Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Farewell Edwards Plateau, and an Improvement.

Here we are at the end of the Edward's Plateau and so we bid it Farwell! For me it means very little. Hills or flatlands, woods or dessert make no matter to me. I get all the smells I need and want and they are all interesting and fun. Just heavy traffic is bad for me. I don't like car smell.

Today had started out like it has been so much--Overcast, Cloudy, Rainy. Not really rain, but foggy wet air. The companion thought it would be a good idea to put the poncho over the entire contraption, and then stick my head out of the hole. So its yellow and all you can see is my head sitting out of the top of a yellow mound. Well I'm was sceptical until we started biking. The water from the road didn't get all over me. I stayed cleaner all day, and the cool air didn't hit my body as much.

Way to go Companion!

1 comment:

  1. So smart of your companion! I have a dog that rides in a trailer beehind my bicycle sometimes too and I was trying to figure out a cheap, easy way to make a rain cover and that was not something I had thought of but now I will have to go buy one.
