Sunday, March 14, 2010

Just What I Wanted!

I got what I wanted! This whole journey, I've dreamt of it, soft and warm and mine! all Mine! Oh the sofa! I love the sofa! And this one is now mine!
My blanket is on it, and that means its mine!

A sofa has to be one of your top ten, no three, things. Top two. The sofa! and this one is mine!


  1. Congratulations girl! You've finally arrived!

  2. And a lovely sofa it is! So glad you and The Companion drove up to Portland. Can't wait to read what you think of it. I think a book is a fabulous idea - I'm sure you have lots to tell us. Why don't you tell The Companion to check out and check with Tom Schreck - Tom has written three books starring a lovely long eared companion, so he may have some advice. In his last book they even raided a puppy mill, and Tom does lots with the various Basset Recue's across the country, so I'm sure he'd be honored to talk to you and your companion.

    Scooter & Rocky

  3. Antigone:
    A couch is absolutely a top 3! Just get yourself some special treats and your companion to give you a pampered petting session and your all set. I hope you have happy adventures with your companion (I hope to hear about them too) and with Zack the cat. All my support, Tiff L.
